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Sunday, 17 February 2008

Weekend With Some Old Folks n CNY Celebration.

Hi Pals,

Last Sunday, I went for a Chinese New Year Celebration at the Medicare Centre that jie jie used to volunteered at. It was a fun event but a little too noisy in my opinion but Chinese New Year Celebrations are always noisy and there was a story behind it. Do you know of the story? I shan't bored you with ancient stories cos I was not part of it. I prefer to share with you what I have seen. hee...

Here are some pictures taken during the celebration. Many of them took turns to pet me but due to my back problem, jie jie did not allow them to carry me. She hold me to let them pet me but she told them to give me only head and ear scratches. She did not allow anyone to touch me from my neck down cos that is where my slipped disc issues are and I am very sensitive to touch there. I might just turn and snap if they pet me there suddenly.

This is me at the entrance to the Medicare Centre. Yup. No dresses. Its too hot for me to wear anything. Jie jie was afraid that I might get heat stroke.
The old folks in the TV room waiting for the event to start. Many of them suffered from stroke and can't walk properly thus they have to be pushed around on wheel chairs.

The event was about to start. The other volunteers were pushing them out to watch the performance.
Did you see the old lady on wheel chair beside the window? She told jie jie that her daughter was supposed to visit her and she was so anxious to see her daughter that she keep moving in and out of the TV Room and refuse to go join in the celebration. Sad to say, by the end of the day, her daughter still did not show up.

This was where the event was held.

Some of the volunteers prepared CNY goodies and food for the old folks.

This was the MC for the day.
These little girls were there to sing for the old folks.
Speech by the leader of the the volunteer group.
There were lion dance.
This is Mr Big Head aka Da Tou Wa Wa (大头娃娃 ) shaking hands with all the audience.

Here are some video clips of the lion dance. It was taken using jie jie's lousy handphone so the quality is not too good but hope that you can have the feel of the CNY mood that the lions dance performance brought about.

Even the God of Wealth aka Cai Shen (財神) was there to bring good fortune to everyone.

The lion dance and God of Fortune even gave 4Ds to everyone. (4D are 4 numbers for one to place bet on. There are draws every week. If the 4D you place bets on came out in the draw, you will win some money depending on how much you place for the bet and which prize you have won)

If anyone is interested to place bets, the numbers given by the Lion Dance is 6819 and the numbers given by the God of Fortune to the Chief MO of the medicare centre is 5194. Good luck!

Last night, I went to Chinatown again. Its coming to the end of Chinese New Year. We celebrate CNY for 15 days and this thursday, 21 Feb, will be the last day. There were some celebration at the Temple. We took some pictures to show you the inside of the temple but we will post about it another time cos this post is all about CNY.

In CNY, one of the most prominent performances we see is lion and dragon dance. Below are some shots taken by jie jie's lousy handphone cos she forgot to charge the batteries for her lousy digi cam. Darn... but still hope that you will enjoy it anyway.

This is how the dragon use for the dance look like.
This are the lions.
Below are some video clips of the lion and dragon dance.

More video clips. Please note the difference between the "background music" use for the lion dance and the dragon dance.

These few clips show some interesting moves of the dragon dance.

Chinese celebrate all happy occasions with lots of noises as they believe that this will chase away all the bad luck and bring good luck. In China, they will have fire crackers but this is not allowed in Singapore. Fire crackers are banned in Singapore as there are many incidents of fire where people were injured and houses were burnt but we will still have it once a year during the count down on the Chinese New Year's Eve.

I hope the new year will bring good luck to everypups and their hoomans too. May all our friends remain safe and healthy always.




Faya said...

Waouw you celebrate CNY during 15 days ?.... you must be tired no ? I am happy it is the first time I can see the dragon is beautiful... thank you for sharing Snowball...
Kisses, Faya

Patience-please said...

Oh that was so much fun! We feel like we've been on a faraway trip, but we never had to get on a scary plane!

grateful wags from the whippets

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, what an event it was! You were very nice to visit the old folks. I pity that old lady. How can her daughter break her heart by not visiting her when she was supposed to. Makes me feel sooo sad...What a great CNY you had!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Unknown said...

wow was so funny.. we hope the new year will bring good luck to you and your family too... snowball..
we love you

Anonymous said...

What a great display of your travels; you really get around Snowball. And so nice of you to visit with the old folks.
Abby and Rosie

Urban Smoothie Read said...

u looks like a certified pet therapy dog...

is so nice of u to accompany the old folks...

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Wow it looks like you had so much fun with the old people and I am sure you made their day.. You and your mom are special...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Peanut said...

What fun. Mom says that when she worked in an older person home you always had the people who said they were getting visitors and they didn't and it was very sad.

Asta said...

Thank you fow shawing those dwagon and Lion dances with us..they weally awe bootiful..I love the colows and the moosic!
It's so nice that the volunteews did anice show fow the oldew hoomans..Mommi says getting old is painful and lonely sometimes, so I'm glad you wewew thewe to help bwing them cheew and love
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said...

It was very nice of you guys to go help out with the celebration at the medicare place, good job!

Simba and Jazzi said...

That looks like great fun. I feel sad for the old lady who's daughter didn't turn up.

Simba xx

Cassidy said...

Me loved the lion dancing, whee! Me bets you made a lots of those old people smile!

Cassidy x

umekotyan said...

Good evening snowball.
The approach to medicare is a right behavior.
Spirit of consideration.
Honorable friend.
Visit to shishimai.
Elderly person's smile is glad.

from loved ume tyan

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow Snowball,

those be some awesome pictures. it is so nice that the old folks are included in the celebration. you wasn't scared of that big old dragan. mw would have been. me wish they would ban fireworks here cause they are very scary & they hurts my ears.

LOve ya Mona

Clover said...

Hi Snowball!
Happy CNY! Today is the last day - hope you had lots of fun. Thanks for sharing those pictures and videos with us, they were great!! I love learning things about different countries.
Love Clover xo

Casper said...

Hi Snowball!
Belated Kung Hei Fat Choy! Sin Nyi Kwai Luh!
Hope I spelled those correct or at least close enough. Hehe! Thanks for all the pix. Made Mommie reminisce about her childhood when they always had a Lion dance performance at school.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Snowball...your Mommy's meatloaf sounds good. Me got have the recipe. It don't gots to be a barkday party to have one. Could you Mommy send it to me?

It's raining here so me guess i'll just cuddle with my loofa baby & the Mommy for tonight.

Love ya lots.....Mona

Luc and Remy said...

You're such a good poodle, Snowball, to make other people so happy.

Lacy said...

woofies Snowball, dat wuz sooo nice of u to help dose old hooman haff a good mama use to work in a old folks home, and she says she felt sooo sorrwy for some of dem...dey never had any visitors....bute ti ful picturs...glad u had a nice celebration...

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Snowball
Thanks for sharing this great post! Its very interesting to know about your celebrations.
Sure you made that people happy!
Kisses and hugs

i said...

That's really wonderful of you guys to spend time with the old folks. I'm sure it certainly brings a lot of cheer to them.

the many Bs said...

Hi Snowball, we love that dragon dance. it's pawsome. that was really nice of you and your jie jie to go to the old folk's home to celebrate with them. we are sad that one woman's daughter didn't show up. they must have appreciated you being there to pet and talk to.

CNY sure sounds like a lot of fun celebrations. we don't like fireworks either. they are too loud and scary.


Romeo said...

Wow Snowball that looked like a fun time. I've never been to a CNY and I wish now we could go. Especially with all the food I'm sure that was there. Well have a good weekend and week.


Juno said...

Snowball!!! Hope the new year will bring happiness to you and your family!
We didn't know Chinese celebration lasts for long. Celebration means good food! Yay! :)

Momo & Pinot

cookie said...

Hi Snowball,
Wow, that Chinese New Year celabration looks like alot of fun!
Great pictures. (we love pictures)

Cookie and crew

Amber said...

hey snowball! happy belated chinese new year! :) chinese new year has ended! you had a great time to spend cny! i didn't get to see any lion dance. great post on cny and lion dance!

Amber :)

Casper and pals said...

Wow that looks like a great celebration- except for the loud noises. I am afraid of loud noises like firecrackers and other loud bangs.

It was very nice of you to go visit the old folks. I bet they enjoyed visiting with you!

Woofies Casper and pals