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Saturday, 15 March 2008

At The Beach

Hi Pals,

I was at the beach with my buddy, Chilli, this morning.

As usual, jie jie forced me to swim but I get to walk along the beach in between the swims until jie jie came up with this crazy idea to torture Chilli and me!

Can tell what was going on in this pictures?

She tied me and Chilli together and threw Chilli's toy out into the sea and I was being pulled along while Chilli swam towards her toy to fetch it.
Chilli is a strong swimmer and I couldn't out-swim her so I was being forced to swim backwards along with her.When she got her toy, she turn back and swim towards the shore.

Once again, she manage to over take me and I am again being towed by Chilli.
Before we reach the shore, jie jie hi jacked Chilli's toy and threw it out to the sea again and I was being towed to and from the shore a few times....

As thou that is not enough, she even asked a guy who is on the canoe to bring me out to the sea and throw me in.
Can you see me?

This is the zoom in version.

See, I was being thrown in to the sea and left to struggle back to shore on my own.

Poor me.

When I finally reach the shore, Chilli was eager to know how it feels like to be riding in a canoe without giving me time to rest.

I think I do like the canoe rides. It was a beautiful day. Did you go to the beach too?

I hope you are having fun this weekend.



the many Bs said...

hi Snowball, wow, that looks like a wonderful beach and ocean. we would love to swim there. is the water warm? you look very cute in your life jacket. we're glad you wear it because apparently you are not a very strong swimmer. don't feel bad. some dogs just don't like to swim. but not us! we love it. mom says that after Bailey and Benson recover some from their surgeries, they will get to go to swimming therapy.


Amber said...

Hey Snowball, a beautiful day indeed. the canoe looks very fun! hope i can try it one day. look at you two swimming!! how cool!! xD

have a nice weekend!

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Oh what a beeuutiful day to go to the beach. Sorry we giggled that you got towed we thought that was jus fur cars but ya know that was a pawsome pic of you in the canoe to bad you didn't get to ride all the way back to shore. Your mommy probably wants to strengthen your back.

Wish we lived near the beach

Love Licks & waggin TX tails

pee es your versary day is coming woohoo

Lorenza said...

Hi, Snowball!
You were forced to swim!!
I'd love to have a beach near here!
Thanks for sharing that smiling picture of you!
Kisses and hugs

Patience-please said...

Oh what a beautiful place! We would drown even with a life jacket thing on. You are such a good swimmer, but we understand you not liking it. Maybe it will make you feel better????

wags from the whippets

Amber-Mae said...

Oh my, good thing none of you drowned with that leash being attached on you both. My hooman M did that to Faith once (on retractable leash) & Faith when down! I'm sure you had a pawsome time with Chilli. She's blogging again???

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Unknown said...

wow snowball, this day was grate ein..
darling... you are so special to us,, you have some to you in our blog.. we love you

Bella said...

Snowball - you are a good swimmer for a mature lady. I don't thinkI would like being towed, but I do love the beach - though I go in the shallow water I prefer to dig for smelly things in the sand & roll in them - mummy loves that - hahahha

Anonymous said...

Wooo Snowball... the water looks pawsome!!! Your Jie Jie is funny to tie you to Chilli! That beach is lovely!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Smartphone, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Joe Stains said...

your humans sure are clever in their torture of you! sorry you were forced to swim!

Murphey said...

Wow, they would have had to force me to swim too, I don't like the water.


Noah the Airedale said...

You sure are a strong swimmer Snowball. I think the four of us would sink that canoe lol.

Hugs an tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Cassidy said...

Seems like mummy be determined to make you swim Snowball, tee hee!

Cassidy x

Myeo said...


Your Jie is really

Boy n Baby

Peanut said...

jie jie is evil

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I think I missed this post of yours. What a great day you had! I see you, I see you! In the kayak!
Oh, and yes, Tun Tun's mom is trying to help us communicate with PooPoo! Thanks!!

Chilli the Dog said...

Hiya Snowball!

We had a great time didnt we. I hope after this session of torture by your jie jie, you'll still talk to me :) You must believe your jie jie, swimming is for your own good.

I'm trying to upload some live action for our friends to see by I seem to have problems with both YouTube and Blogger vids.

Let's do it again sometime okay. I'll bug mummy to bring me out again real soon.


Stanley said...


You are SUCH a beach bunny! I think I'd like the canoe ride too. Maybe you could give me some extra swim lessons.

Goober love,