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Monday, 12 May 2008

Birthday Contest 2- Guess Whose Shadow It is.

Hi Pals,

Its contest time!!! To share the joy of my turning 10 years old with everypup, I have decided to have this contest and give out some prizes to the first 2 doggies who are able guess the answers correctly.

If you have not taken part in the game last year, this is how the game is to be carried out. I have stolen 2 pictures from 2 blogs belonging to 2 different DWB members. So it could be any 2 of the 873 members that were registered with DWB currently. There were only 443 members last year. See how much we have grown? Due to Charlie's condition, Greg has not updated the DWB sites. If he has, there should be more members.

Peeesss: Please go over to Charlie's Blog to give him all your well wishes. He is going through a major operation on Tuesday. Do keep him in your prayer and wish that everything go smoothly and we will have Charlie with us for many years to come.

Like last year, I am showing you only the shadow of the 2 doggies. So, your job will be to visit all the blogs on the DWB listing and guess who the pictures belong to. Who knows, the pictures used might be mine or it might be one of your close doggie friend's... or it might even be yours... Hiak hiak hiak...

Are you ready? Here are the pictures. Have fun!!

Picture 1

Picture 2

All you need to do is to add a comment and state, e.g: Picture 1 is Snowball and Picture 2 is XXXXXX

Clues - Additional clues will be released from time to time until somedaoggie comes up with the correct answers. So do check back at this blog often.

1. Pictures used can be from anywhere in the blog.

2. Pictures used will only belong to the owner of the blog.


a. Ms SunShade's blog, she has mentioned and posted pictures of her new brother Jaffa Boy in her blog, as the blog belongs to Ms Sunshade, I will only use her picture and not Stinky's.

b. Like wise, if the human of the doggie who own the blog is into dog rescue and they have new foster doggie to stay over from time to time, I will also not use the picture of any of the foster doggies.

c. Whereas, for Super Boy & Baby Licious's blog, as this blog belongs to both Boy and Baby, I can use either of their pictures.

3. Both pictures are from 2 different blogs.

4. Both the doggies are current member of the DWB. (so their blogs are listed here)

So, what are you waiting for? Start visiting all the blogs and try to see if you can figure out whose pictures I have used.

Rules and Regulation

1. This contest is open for all the readers who visit my blog.

2. All answers must be published on the comment page of this entry.

3. All participants can make more than 1 guesses but only the last answer will be taken as final answer (no appeals will be entertained). So if your first guess is right and the second guess is wrong, you will be considered wrong.(But please please do not spam the comment page.)

4. The contest will close at Singapore time, Thursday, 15 May 2007, 2359hrs.

5. Only the first 2 participants with both correct answers win the contest.

6. Answers will be posted on this blog on Friday, 16 May 2007. Winners will also be announced at the same time.

7. All prizes will be sent to winners via post.

Have fun!!!



Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Oh this is hard! hmmm our furst guess is ~ Pacco & Sunshade

Happy Mother's Day

Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud

Anonymous said...

Just needed to stop in and wish you a very happy 10th birthday Snowball - it sounds like you had a great day.

Will have to put my thinking cap on and get back to you about the contest!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Snowball!
This time I am clueless! I have to thing about it and try again!
Kisses and hugs

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

This is a tough contest. I am not sure who they are and I am not sure if I know them. Could one of them be Crikit, Sparky or Ginger?
Hope you had a great Birthday!

i said...

Happy Belated Birthday Snowball!

That sounds like a fun contest!

Amber-Mae said...

Happy Mother's Day to both your mommies! Oh my, this is really hard. I will come back later after I've browsed in all the doggies bloggies...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Amber-Mae said...

I got the answers! I got the answers!!!!!

Picture #1: Mr.T-Bone Beasley
Picture #2: Cassidy

I'd love to tell where I found those pictures but then everybody would be cheating after that. Phew, it didn't take that long for me to find them. I knew both of those were Airedales...

I hope I got them right. They have got to be right! If not, I'd be sooo embarrassed. BOL!!!!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

Picture one is Pacco and Picture 2 is an Airedale - hummmmmmmmmmm - I know it's not us - could it be Stanley?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Hi Snowball, grrrrrrreat contest. I'll really need to put my thinking cap on for this one. Thnks for the contest.

Good luck to everyone.

lots of licks


Asta said...

I hhope you had a vewy happy Birfday..I was sad that you nevew went to Blue's ow my site to look at the pawty I made fow you...I even sent you the pictoowes sepawately in an email...I was hoping you would feel the love that went into it
smoochie kisses

Stanley said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Sweet Snowball!

I hope you enjoyed the pawty with Blue and are feeling all the love we have for you! You are like Queen Snowball now!

I'm going to have to think about that first photo. I was wondering if photo #2 was me (wishful thinking). I'll be back with my answers.

Fun contest, by the way.

Goober love & smooches,

Harry said...

I Snowball, apologies for the belated birthday wishes, we were too busy partying.

Hmm, I think I may know one of those dogs...

Toodle pip
Harry x

Noah the Airedale said...

Gosh this is pretty hard. We're going with:
1. Crikit
2. Cassidy

The second one really looks like an airedale and there are so many to choose from.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Joe Stains said...

1. Moco

2. Cassidy?

Myeo said...

This is so tough..

Hmmm, we have to think about the first one but is second is cassidy.

Boy n Baby

umekotyan said...

Good evening snowball.
Happy birthday to you!
A difficult problem was presented.
It thinks for a moment.
With the enjoyment of wonderful time of the birthday. :)

from loved ume tyan

Stanley said...

Okay, Snowball!

Here are my official guesses.

The first one is Cassidy, and I think the second one is me (Stanley).

Thanks for letting me play.

Goober love,

Dexter said...

Way too hard. I will have to wait for the clues.

Simba and Jazzi said...

I thinks its Pacco and sunshade. Hope you had a good Birthday.

Simba x

Patience-please said...

We are guessing (GUESSING being the key word!) Jaffe Boy and Lady Kaos!

wags from the clueless whippets

Lizzy said...

Hi Snowball!

Man, this is tough! I'm just gonna say...

Picture 1 is Stella,

Picture 2 is T-Bone Beasely

I'm probably completely wrong, though! Can't wait to hear the answers, hee hee.


Lacy said...

w00f's snowball, me iz gonna guess fur me 1st guess iz 1) stella and 2) knows 2 iz cassidy, but not shure bout will b back when i find dat 1st picture...

b safe,
~rocky and company~

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We think it is Mitch!!!

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Anonymous said...

I still haven't a clue.. this is a pretty tough contest...

lots of licks


Clover said...

Can't wait to hear who the doggies are and who the winners are! I know the contest is over now, but agree with the others, #2 is Cassidy for sure... and I think #1 is another Airedale... maybe Hercules? I just wanted to make my late & unofficial guess before the winners are announced. :)
Love Clover xo