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Friday, 16 May 2008

Contest Results and May Ball Virtual BDay Pawty Pictures.

Hi Pals,

Sorry for the delay in announcing the answer and winner to the contest. Below are the answers.

Shadow 1 - Mr. T-Bone BeasleyThis is the picture I took from his blog entry dated 30th April 2008
Shadow 2 - Cassidy

This is the picture I have taken. It is the banner picture of her and Big Harry right on top of their blog.
The reasons for me to choose pictures from this 2 bloggy was because when I was surfing through all the blogs trying to decide whose pictures to use, I saw many post on National Stuffie Appreciation Day as declared by Mr. T-Bone Beasley. So I thought since so many pups have been reading his blog, I thought it shouldn't be too difficult to spot his pictures.

As for Cassidy, she is one of the more popular pups around who has joined her family with much anticipation from everypup in DWB. From the sudden passing of her Brother, Oscar almost a year ago, her pawrents was heartbroken and didn't thing that they could bring another puppy into their lives to the time when they announce that they are going to have another puppy. They posted pictures of the little Cassidy with her litter mate almost every week and to the time when they bravely welcome a 10.5 year old Big Harry into their family and to the time they announced that the puppy is going to be a girl, before this everpup has expected it to be a boy. I have felt that we have been a part of her life since the time she was born to now that she has started her career as a "Show Girl".

I thought this contest is going to be easier than last year since I have selected pictures from some of the most popular bloggy and there should be more than 2 pups with the right answers BUT I was WRONG!!!

I would like to ask. Have you really tried looking for the answers at all?

I think the only pup who has taken this contest seriously was our winner, Amber Mae. She has really sharp eyes and is able to spot the answers within the first 24hours after the contest was posted. That is also why there isn't any new clues given as I have posted that

"Clues - Additional clues will be released from time to time until somedaoggie comes up with the correct answers. So do check back at this blog often. "

Congratulations, Amber Mae.

Your prizes will be sent to you soon. Please let me know if there is any change in your address. The one I have is from the Christmas Card Exchange in 2007.

This is the long awaited post. Pictures from the virtual pawty I had with Blue for our Bdays in UK.

Thank you, Aire Ruby for transporting our guest to the pawty.

I was at UK a day earlier and Blue show me and Asta around.
This is the first time I have seen a green house.

The guests have arrived.
Some pup took extra intrest in my Stuffie twinny so I have to pawtect her. I brought her with me everywhere I went. Look at how Faya was still eyeing on my stuffie from top of the stairs
Look at the beautiful Bday Cake. Look at how tired I was. Due to the time zone difference, I was able to come back to Singapore for all my Bday activities and then go back to UK for more celebrations with my blogging pals. Thank you Aire Ruby for the personalised services if not, I will not be able to have a such great time.

Look at how well dressed our guests are. They have even better apparels than I. I need to go talk to my nasty jie jie about it. Time to buy new dresses.

Its so nice of Blue to carry me around cos she knows that due to my back problem, I can't walk much on my own. Thanks Blue for taking such good care of me when I was there.

Blue even arranged for silent Firework for us. She even chosen Pink Firework cos she knows that its my favouritest colour.
We followed the tradition of May Ball and the pawty went on and on throughout the night.
I can't believe that every pup can still be this energetic after pawtying for the whole night.
Some pups even went to town to shop for Mother's Day Pressies for their mums.

Most puppies are still in pawtying mood and some has gone really wild. Look at how they climb onto the roof top.

Some even jump off the bridge.

It was a pawsome pawty. I really enjoyed myself. Thank you Blue, the pawty planner, Asta and Koobie the Photographer and Ruby for providing the transport for all of us.

I will be posting the pictures taken on my barkday celebration in Singapore and also the pressies I have received. Thank you for all the Barkday wishes.



Anonymous said...


that was a really contest well done you.

you looked like you has a lot of fun at the pawty. The cake looks delicious, its making my mouth water just looking at it.

lots of licks


Noah the Airedale said...

Oh well we got one right.
Well done Amber Mae. You have a good eye.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Duke said...

Congratulations to Amber! You're very, very good!
We had a blast at your birthday pawty in Dreamingspire, Snowball! We can't wait to see your birthday pawty pictures taken in Singapore!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Snowball!
Congratulations to Amber! Sure she is good!
thanks for the lovely time we had celebrating your birthday!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

Amber Mae rocks! Thanks for the fun game!

Faya said...

I knew it was 2 airedales but I couldn't say who....congratulations Amber Mae !
I agree Snowball, it was a great party ! And I was not sick in the plane....
Kisses, Faya

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

There was no way I could have guessed those photos. Wow, what a fun pawty!

Peanut said...

Your party was so fun. We are bad at guessing photos like that. I blame it on mom.

umekotyan said...

Good evening snowball.
It is a wonderful travel.
Wonderful . of Britain and SingaporeThe birthday of friendship and snowball consists of a lot of friends.
Again, congratulations on snowball and the birthday.
It prays for one wonderful year. :)

from loved ume tyan

Anonymous said...

Hi Snowball,
You sure did wring in your 10th birthday in style. What a gala event you had.
Abby & Rosie

Dexter said...

That was a good contest, but once I saw Amber-Mae's solution, I knew she was right and would win.

The party totally rocked! Good to finally meet you.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Such beautiful pictures.. Your so talented. We are ready to play again. Can we?

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Kyanite said...

Yes, I can see the photo's are now you've said - silly me!

Glad you enjoyed the virtual pawty it was fun doing it.
TY for your nice comments.

Have a lovely week.
Pats & pets

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wow! amber did have a very sharp eye... my guessing was no way near...

Simba and Jazzi said...

That was some party. Thank you so much for inviting us all.
Simba x

Luc and Remy said...

That Amber Mae! She's pretty and smart! We love your pictures, Snowball! We got a giggle out of them.

Clover said...

Hi Snowball,
Thanks for having that contest - I had a fun time looking around some other blogs, but I didn't get over to T-bone's blog - no wonder I couldn't guess his picture!
Glad you had a fun birthday!
Love Clover xo

Cassidy said...

We were sure that first one wasn't another Airedale. Sorry for not trying harder Snowball, mummy is busy studying again and she no lets us on the computer.

Thanks for writing such lovely things about us and Oscar, you be such a sweet, sweet girl.

Cassidy x

Anonymous said...

Hi Snowball checkout my post on good friends there is a we surprise for you there.

hope you like it

lots of licks


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Snowball your pawty with Blue was pawsome and we snagged some camera time when the yummy cake came out!

Congrats to your barkday contest winner Amber-Mae!

Hope all your barkieday wishes are coming true Love Licks

Myeo said...

Congratulations Amber Mae!

We had a great time at your pawty.

Boy n Baby

Amber-Mae said...

WE'RE BACK!!! OMdoG! I actually won, finally! To tell you all the truth, it wasn't hard at all. First, when I read that line that Snowball said, "current members", I knew they were new members of DWB & when I looked at those two pictures closely, I already knew they were Airedales. I visited all the new Airedales' blogs 1st. For the 1st picture, the two doggies that popped out of my head was Deetz & Mr. T-Bone Beasley. But then when I was browsing Harry & Cassidy's blog, I found a picture of Harry that looked almost the same as that 1st picture. But then I looked closely again, the legs were not in the same position & so were the ears. Then I browsed Deetz's blog & found no matching one & then finally I visited Beasley's blog & finally found it! I managed to find the answers less than 10 minutes. It wasn't all that hard...Anyway, thank you Snowball! This game has been fun. Wish you can come out more like this. By the way, I'm still living in the same house so our address is still the same. Can't wait to receive it!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Emma the Golden Girl said...

and the Canine Kids said,
Congratulations to Amber Mae on winning the contest.
The party looked absolutely pawsome!
Your birthday celebration this year was an event never to be forgotten!