Hi all,
Sorry for the delay in posting the barkday pressies and cards I have received.
This is from Bella. She gave me a bath robe, sunglasses hair clip and a barkday cake stuffie that sing barkday song.
Bella even printed this special gift wrapper specially for me. She even send jie jie a lip gloss.
Thank you, Bella !
Thank you, Bella !
This is from Maggie and Mitch.
Her mum made this ornaments for me. She says that I can hang it on my Christmas tree all year round. heee... They also sent me 3 petgetable treats.
Her mum made this ornaments for me. She says that I can hang it on my Christmas tree all year round. heee... They also sent me 3 petgetable treats.
A closer look at the ornament her mum has made for me. Don't it look like me?
We love it. Thank you for making this specally for me. We will treasure it always.
This is from Sitka and Tia. They gave me a very cute Racoon stuffie that squeakes and a collar.
The stuffie is just of the right size for me to carry around.
Thank you, Sitka and Tia!!
The stuffie is just of the right size for me to carry around.
Thank you, Sitka and Tia!!
This is from Nikki. He gave me a princess bowl . Its just perfect for me.
Thank you, Nikki!
Baby, Boy, Huskee Boy and Moosie sent me this pretty dress.
Thank you, Baby, Boy, Huskee Boy and Moosie!!!
Sparky sent me a beautiful Barkday card.
Thank you Sparky!
I also received some E-Cards from my blogging buddies.
Thank you, Faya!
I believe that your pressies from me will reach me eventually. I will wait patiently for it. I wanted to thank you for thinking of me on my barkday and for sending me a pressie on my special day.
Thank you, Crikit, Sparky and Ginger!!!
Thank you everypup who has attended my virtual and actual Barkday Pawty.
Thank you for making my 10th Barkday such a happy and memorable one.
Thank you for being my friends!
Wishing all a very good weekend.
You are sooooo popular. What a great birthday. I especially like your robe and sunglasses.
You made out like a bandit Snowball! I love that purple bathrobe. I just hope it doesn't HAVE to involve a bath.
Well, if you were mad at your jie jie for making you swim, you got even by making her post ALL those photographs!!!! WHEW!!! What a wonderful barkday you've had, and you deserve only the BEST!!!
wags from the whippets
That's a lot of nice presents and treats! Happy barkday, Snowball! We especially like the ornament from Maggie and Mitch!
Poppy & Penny
Princess! you had a super fun virtual pawty and from the looks one of the bestest barkieday pawty! fabulous pressies, great friendzees and wonderful pictures at the beach and at the cafe! See how loved you are! our pressie is gonna take furever cos of bad mommy we should put her in timeout.
We know your patient so...
Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud fur you girlfriend xo
Wow, you got a lot of presents and cards! I'm glad to see that you got mine, too. Your birthday must have been a BLAST!
I hope you have a GRRRReat weekend!
What great presents.
You got so many awesome gifts, Snowball! We love your sunglasses! Those are too cool!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey, those are some loverly pressies! I like the Princess bowl, Totally suits you!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
So many cards and presents and they are all so lovely.
Simba xx
and the Canine Kids said,
Princess Snowball,
What beautiful presents you received. It just shows you how much every one loves you and your gentle spirit.
o lala...you have a lot of presents..
this is good...
we have something for you in our blog... congrat...
You sure got a lot of nice gifts, Snowball! Lots of people love you!
We're so glad you had a nice birthday. We bet you'll be looking pretty in that new dress!!
Hi, Snowball!
You got very nice presents and beautiful cards!
You deserve all those presents and more!
Kisses and hugs
hi Snowball, you really got a lot of nice pressies and cards from your friends. that's pawsome. we hope you have many more happy birthdays too!
What great presents you got!
The bathrobe is so pretty!
you got so many good pressies! I kinda like that robe, I wonder if they make them for boys in more manly colors?
You got some wonderful gifts.. Happy late Barkday....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Louie loves the water hose too. He now has chewed a hole in it so Dad says he is trying to make a soaker hose out of it.. You have to be careful though he doesn't care who he squirts when he is dragging that thing around...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Snowball you got so many wonderful pressies. We hope you enjoyed your 10th birthday.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
ps..Isn't Maggie & Mitch's mum clever.
Good evening snowball.
A wonderful present on the birthday is happy of many.
A lot of wonderful friends are your important treasures.
Do and at time of , ..put together..:)
from loved ume tyan
Pawsone Gifts!!!
Boy n Baby
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