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Thursday, 15 January 2009

Princess in a basket.

As usual, I became the victim when my hooman feel bored, again.

They thought that its funny to put me in the basket at the pet shop.

Can anyone please help to get me out of the basket, please?

I saw another Maltese at the pet shop.
Jie jie says that I am scaring the other Maltese.
I don't think so, do you?



Poopsie aka Blue said...

Hi twinny!

Found your new blog okay but it still doesn't show latest post in my blog roll - odd but no matter.

Love, pats & pets

Duke said...

We also went to the new blog and nothing has shown up there - yet!
It looks like you're showing this other Maltese, who is boss, Snowball! The two of you are very cute together!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I also tried the new one...and got the same results as M&M -

Woo just want to play!


Patience-please said...

You are just showing who is the Queen! No doubt who's boss! Love your new look; we can see your beautiful eyes better!

wags from the whippets

Amber-Mae said...

Hi Snowball! Thanks for your new link. Unfortunately I will not b able to update the link in mah blog because it's all saved under & they're updating their thingy. It's been like three months already! So I will just bookmark your blog. Hee! You look great with your new haircut by the way.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Fenway said...

Maybe you can ride in a shopping cart next time! They are better because they hold more STUFF for you!

Your pal,

Lady Kaos said...

Why do humans think it's fun to humiliate us? I think that other dog is just a scaredy-dog.

Deetz said...

I got you all updated my lil friend

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Snowball
I don't think you were scaring the maltese. I think she wanted to play with you.
I hope you got a treat at the store.
Love Ruby

Asta said...

Pwincess Snowball
I can't imagine anyone would be scawed of you..I would kiss you
love and
smoochie kisses

Simba and Jazzi said...

How much is that doggie in the basket?

Simba x

Peanut said...

How could you scare anyone?

Joe Stains said...

I think you were just really excited and saying hello!!

Par said...

That basket could be a nice ride..hehe