Hi Pals,
I have promised to show you video clip taken during one of my Chinese New Year shopping trip. I was trying to merge all the video into 1 but that video clip just won't load properly so I just have to load some of the short clips.
I hope from these video, you can have the feel of the mood of preparing for Chinese New Year.
I sit in the comfort of my carrier during the shopping trip as jie jie think that its not safe for me to walk on my own when there are so many people around. They might step on me accidentally since I am so much shorter than the hooman.
I am sure all these video clips on this post is going to cause some computer to load really slow so, I have loaded the video onto YouTube please click on HERE to the video clips on the playlist.
Most of the clips were taken in a neighbourhood shopping place. The last few clips were taken at Chinatown the day before Chinese New Year. As the place is very crowded, we can only take video clips when jie jie can be assured that no one would bump into the carrier I am sitting in and cause me to fall or worse, SMASHED. Trust me when I say that there are enough crowd there to squeeze the juice out of me. hee...
I hope the video clips are able to give you the feel of the CNY mood.
I hope you enjoy this post.
that must have been a very fun shopping trip. everything is so colorful. did you get any good treats?
Happy CNY!
Hi, Snowball...
How nice that Jie Jie took you with her...
Looks like you had a fun shopping trip...
Thanks for sharing your CNY celebrations with us...
Abby xxxooo
Princess Snowball,
You always look pretty but I see pink really compliments your white fur and girly shape of yours.
I enjoy watching those CNY clips, I wish I lived where you live, we'll go shopping together! Muahhhh!
That looks like a great shopping trip. My mom says she enjoys seeing the photos and clips from your country very much!
Hi, Snowball!
It was pawesome to watch all those videos!
Sure it was fun going shopping there!
Kisses and hugs
Did you enjoy the shopping ? Waouw it looks beautiful. I love all the flowers you have. Oh I miss the sun and warm weather....
Thank you for the videos, they are great !
Kisses, faya
Looks like you had a super fun shopping trip! Happy Chinese New Year!
Woofs, Johann
Great video's.. Hope you had a great weekend..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Pwincess Snowball
I loved all youw festive videos..you have a pawfect vantage point fwom youw cawwiew..don't even joke about getting smooshed by the cwowds.
did you get lots of yummies and flowews and decowations??
It looks vewy pwetty
hope you'we having a gweat time
smoochie kisses
I have an awawd fow you
smoochie kisses
looks like you had a great weekend.
Simba and Jazzi xx
How do we see the video, Snowball? All mom can see is her stuff when she signs in! We want to see YOU, not us!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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