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Monday, 16 February 2009

Pressies and Paw it Forward!!!

Hi Pals!

I received 2 packages yesterday!!! Isn't it nice to get pressies when its not even my Barkday?

The package on the left is from Vodka as the "Pay It Forward" gift and the one on the right is from my working sledding husky pal, Skye.

This is the pretty Maltese Note Pad, Skye has sent me.
Skye said that her mom saw this at the dog food store and thought of me immediately, ( I am sooooo honored!!! Thank you!!!) , so she bought it for ME!!! (Isn't that sooo thoughtful of her?)

Thank you , Skye, jie jie and I love it very much! Thank you for thinking of me!
I love you and your mommy, Skye!!!

Its My turn to play:
As quoted from my Twinny, Blue's blog:
"The exchange focuses on doing an act of kindness without expecting anything in return other than that the recipient will, in their turn, pass the kindness along and 'pay it forward' in their own way.
This is how it works...
I am going to agree to send something fun, inspiring or uplifting to the first 3 blog owners who post a comment on this entry [please leave your email address if I don't already have it].
In turn you will then post about this on your blog, link to me, then send something to the first three people who sign up to play along through your blog.
There are no cost restraints, BUT don't go crazy!
The little something you send can be something you made, bought, were given or found.
No biggie, just a gift that will make the person smile.
Maybe something unique from where you live?
And, remember that kindness don't have to involve money; there are untold ways to help others every single day, everywhere you go - just look around."

Back to my pressie.
I smell something yummy from the other package. It is from Vodka for "Paw It Forward".
Jie jie said that I have to say Hello to Vodka and thanks him for sending me the package.
Kiss Kiss Vodka. Thank you for the Pressie.

Being a good girl, I am allowed to see the items finally! Look at the pawsome treats Vodka had picked for me. I really love the treats!
Thank you for being my friend too, Vodka!I will send a small token of gifts to the first 3 commenters for this blog post but if you have played and didn't want to play it again, just mention in your comment.



Lacy said...

w00f's snowy, me will play...

b safe,

Moondance Huskies said...

Hi Snowy,
Glad you got our pressie! I would LOVE to play too!

Moco said...

I would love to play with you Snowball. I only wish that I could go swimming with you.

Wei Qian said...

Hello Snowball,

glad that you like those treats ^^ Really glad to have you as my friend too! ((:

best regards

Abby said...

Hi, Snowball...

Enjoy your treats...

I already played the game with Bae was sooo fun...

Abby xxxooo

Asta said...

What a fun game..those awe pawsome pwessies..have fun wif them
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

What nice gifts from Vodka! We've played and it's really fun! We just love your blog header, Snowball! You look so elegant in your beautiful pink dress!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

That was furry furry nice!

And woo look furry furry beaWOOtiful in your dress!


Anonymous said...

You do look very happy with your new treats! What a lucky little girl! I didn't know you posed for stationary! BOL


Thoughts said...

Hello Snowball,

We wanted to stop by and say thank you so much for the kind words you left on our blog yesterday about our dear Benson. We have posted an update on his condition this morning. We are so happy to have made a new friend like you out of this whole mess and we really appreciate your kinds thoughts and prayers.

We really like your blog, too! Give us a shout if you would like to exchange blogroll links, we really love your blog!

Love the furkids at

Yuki n Joyce said...

hey nice game! dang i want to play too.

Joyce (Yuki's hooman)