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Thursday, 5 February 2009

True Colours Thursday! #2

Hi all,

Its True Colours Thursday again! This week's colour is Orange.

Well, its still Chinese New Year now. So, the first Orange item I am going to show you is something related to Chinese New Year is Mandarin Oranges.
Mandarin Oranges is a must have item for every Chinese family who celebrate Chinese New Year.
Every time we visit someone on Chinese New Year, we have to bring along 2 Mandarin Oranges with us and before we leave the place we are visiting, the host will return us 2 Mandarin Oranges of their own .
Mandarin Oranges symbolise "大吉大利" (Da Ji Da Li) . With this 2 Mandarin Oranges , we will give them to our relatives/friends to wish them smooth success in everything they do and prosperity for the new year. By returning us 2 Mandarin Oranges of their own, means that they are giving us the same wishes.

Since Chinese New Year is celebrated for 15 days officially, Chinese New Year is not over yet. Within these 15 days, whenever we meet any relatives/friends or anyone we know we still have to give good wishes.

With this 2 HUGE Oranges, I would also like to wish all my friends and anyone who happen to drop by my blog,

Smooth success in everything you do and may you have a very prosperous New Year.
All Hoomans to have lots of money and pups to have lots of treats and everyone to be healthy and happy all the time.
The next orange item I am going to show you is a famous dish in Singapore.
I hereby present to you the world famous Singapore dish,
Chilli Crab.

If you ever come to Singapore, this is a dish that you MUST try!
Yum Yum!!!

Orange carrots is something I eat almost everyday. They are supposed to be good for us but if you ask me, I would happily opt out of it.

The next orange item is also something I eat often.

Wolf Berry
Its a very good form of Anti Oxidant so it will help to preserve you youthfulness. (so now you know my beauty secret. hee...) If you want to know more about Wolf berries, please click HERE.

Finally, I would like to introduce to you a herbs with orange flowers. Its called 七针草(Qi Zhen Cao). This plant has sharp needles like thorns on its branches so I am never allow to sniff at it.
The plants is said to have property that can help to kill cancer cells.

We do not know about how effective it is for killing cancer cells, but one of jie jie's cousins had tried and testified that it can cure Piles or Haemorrhoid very well by chewing 2 leaves, raw, daily for a few days. Do anyone care to try? :P

Thank you for reading.
Next week's colour will be Silver. So, stay tuned to see what I can come up with.




Moco said...

Those are wonderful orange items. We thank you for showing them to us. It is always nice to see what it done in a different culture.

Lacy said...

w00f's Snowy, and me wishes u happiness, health and wealth fur ur new year...u did a pawsome job on the orangy ones..

b safe,

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You look good with orange!
I don't like carrots but do you think I would like wolf berries? I would like to stay young, you know!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh thank you so much for the oranges. We hope it comes true..
Wow what great looking food. Did you get a taste?

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Anonymous said...

Hi Snowball! Thanks for giving me the heads up on BINGO! I had just gotten Mom out of the shower when you sent the message! BOL

Those are some great pictures, I learned something new just by reading your blog! (And Mom thought I was loosing Brain Cells sleeping all day! BOL)

I am going to add you as a friend, I hope you don't mind!


Ashley said...

Way to go Snowball! So much orange! Chili crab... yummy! You are making me hungry!

Dexter said...

Who knew there were so many orange things? My goodness you live in a colorful place.


P.S. I hope you will enter Mango Minster. Stop by my bloggy.

Moondance Huskies said...

Hi Snowy!
Love your Orange post and as always, we learn something new! Thank you for the good wishes and we sent the same good wishes to you for a happy, health and prosperous New Year. That crab looks yummy! MMMMMM!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tank woo fur sharing all those nice orange things and fur wishing us well!

My vehikhle is ORANGE - someone jokes it is khalled a khlemen-terra since it is the kholour of khlementines - khlose to your mandarins!

I get a kharrot each night after I eat my dinner! I love them!

Mom is intrigued by the wolfberries - she thinks she would like to try them!


Lorenza said...

I wish you the best too!
Good job with the orange color!
Kisses and hugs

Abby said...

Hi, Snowball...

Thanks for telling us about the mandarin oranges for Chinese New Year...

My Mom says that's a very nice tradition...

We hope you got lots of oranges for Chinese New Year...

Abby xxxooo

Joe Stains said...

All of that orange is making us really hungry!! We really want to try those crabs, they look yummy!!

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Hi Snowy & jie-jie!

What a really, really fascinating post - you did me proud for orange!

The idea of exchanging manderin oranges as a sign of sharing good wishes is delightful - I send you two very special virtual ones.

Love, pats & pets

Simba and Jazzi said...

You managed to find lots of orange things.

Simba and Jazzi

Fenway said...

Thank you for helping me rack up some MVP Pet votes, my favorite Princess SB! I really appreciate your support!

Orange is Ms. Alpha's favorite color and she loves the luscious food pics in your blog today!

Your devoted pal,

Wei Qian said...

wow, orange ! i was suppose to take part in true colour thursday, but mummy hasnt had the time ):

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

It's crazy orange!!

Just thought I'd pop in and let ya know I've changed your links to this new location.


Asta said...

No wondew I like owange..I loooove mandawin owanges..tha you fow the gift and good wishes!!!
I think that cwab and flowew and things also look vewy bootiful and awe good fow you I'm suwe.
I wish you all happiness and health and good long life too
smoochie owange kisses

Duke said...

What an interesting orange post, Snowball! Those mandarin oranges look so yummy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby and Penny said...

Hi Snowball
What a great orange post. I loved reading about your Chinese New Year custom with the oranges.
I wish you and your family the same.
Love Ruby

The Black and Tans. said...

That was a very interesting post Snowball.Thank you for showing us all those interesting food items.

Molly and Taffy

Rambo said...

do I see chicken under that Wolfberry?? SLURP. I love chicken.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Dearest Snowball!

I love the colour oranges, and I liked reading all your interesting information.

Jeannie says she loves the look of the crab dish, mmmmmmm!

Happy Weekend Snowball, and I now know why you are so healthy looking!

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxx

Unknown said...

What a great post, Princess Snowball! I learned so many things! I especially like the new year's tradition with the mandarin oranges. And that crab looks yummy.

Can't wait to see what you come up with next week for silver!

Your pal,


Lady Kaos said...

Lots of neat orange stuff! That is so cool to know about the mandarin oranges!

the many Bs said...

hi Snowball, that's so cool about those mandarin oranges. we never did know that. you have a lot of good looking orange food that we sure would love to taste!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

The cookies were awesome. They were from 3 dogs and a chick for paw it forward..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Mack said...

Those crabs look yummy, but.....crabby!!

We also want to wish you a very prosperous and happy new year!!

Deefor said...

Nice orange stuff. I haven't tasted most of it. Just the carrots and I feel like you do about them. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope you get lots of treats and yummy stuff.


Stanley said...

Hey, Snowball!

I feel like I've been to medical school with you for the day! This post was not only very tasty looking, but also educational!

I don't know how I missed this post!

Goober love & smooches,

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Hi, my loved Snowy!
It was great chatting on Sunday.
Hope you all enjoyed the final day of you're new year celebrations

Have justed tagged you for a meme.
" What were you & jie-jie doing a year ago today???!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Yep I am the big brother and they are always copying me..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie