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Sunday, 16 December 2007

Skating Pawty, Here I come!!!

Hi Pals,

Thank you for understanding that I did not mean to hurt anyone and that I am only trying to pawtect myself when I snapped. No one blame me for it and I have taught the hoomans a lesson and they do not dare to come near me unnecessarily anymore. hee... Perhaps that was the best thing that came out of the whole incident.

Jie jie brought me to the temple pawsonally, yesterday and spoke to my religious teacher and let her understand why I reacted that way and "advice" her never to even touch me from behind as I am very sensitive to that due to my back injury. We have confirmed that she isn't injured and she did not blame me for snapping at her. Thank doG!

I would like to also inform you that we have printed all the necessary material together with something we have found online about re-potty training adult pooch. We have enclosed some treats and toys for Bi bi and Austin (Oops... I did not send anything for Jayden!:P but my canine friends are more important, right?) so that their mum can start to spend some quality time with them. I will keep you posted on the outcome when we get in touch with their mummy again.

Now, this is the Funnest thing that has happened in weeks! I was invited to Butchy & Snicker's Ice Skating Pawty!!!

Isn't that cool? I am going to skate on the pond where Koi Snowball stays. I wonder how is he doing under the pond. I hope he will not be freeze. Iam looking forward to see him nice and healthy after winter.

I spent some time shopping for my skating gears and outfit and I am so excited about the Pawty. Here I am, with my skating gears and ready to board Aire Ruby.

Butchy & Snickers, here I come!!!

See you all at the pawty!




Anonymous said...

You look great in your skating outfit Snowball - can't wait to see you there!


Peanut said...

I'm glad no one blames you since it wasn't your fault. See you at the party

Amber-Mae said...

Will see you there Snowball!!!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dnacer

Duke said...

I guess you'll be playing hockey with Mitch and Scruffy! Good for you, Snowball!
See you soon.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

the many Bs said...

hi Snowball, we're glad that your religious teacher understands. sometimes humans don't understand that dogs can be sensitive.

you really look like you are ready for skating. we'll see you there!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Snowball
Glad to hear that everything is ok with your religious teacher! Sometimes they don't understand us!
You look great with your skiting outfit!
See you there

Myeo said...

We are glad that you sorted things out with your religious teacher.

Boy n Baby

Ben & Darling said...

Wow Snowball, you look great with that skating outfit but how come u can grow so tall in just a night hah?? Hehe

and thanks for your xmas card, I got it and its bootiful!!!

umekotyan said...

Ice skating seems to be happy.
After all, ice suits the snowball.:)

from loved ume tyan

Emma the Golden Girl said...

and the Canine Kids said,
You look pawsome in your skating outfit. We hope you have a great time and we'll be waiting to hear about it.

Asta said...

SnowballYou look like you'we weady to have some fun!!!
I love youw outfit
smoochie kisses

Hammer said...

Wow, Snowball you sure look cool in your snow gear. I wonder if the koi will be alright under the ice. My koi is with your koi. Please let me know.
Love from Hammer