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Saturday, 12 July 2008

Me and my breakie.

Hi Pals,

This is how I eat my breakie most of the time . It always end up that my hooman have to hand feed me before I can finish my meal. Have a look at these videos. Do anyone of you eat like me?

I was trying to find something to cover my food so jie jie put the loofah dog next to my plate trying to create some competition so that I will eat but I push it around along with the plate instead. Does it look like I am urging it to finish up my food for me?



Simba and Jazzi said...

He doesn't look very hungry to me. lol

Simba x

Duke said...

You're a pretty picky eater, Snowball! We would have had that food gone in 2 minutes!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Moco said...

Our food would never last that long. We had to get new slow down bowls because we ate way too fast.

Clover said...

Haha, it did look like you were trying to get your pal to eat your breakfast for you!! I eat my food so fast that sometimes my parents can't remember if they fed me!
Love Clover xo

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You are so funny. Why do you do that? My sister Misty tries to cover up food she does not like with her paw, as if she is covering poop in the litter box!

Dexter said...

Snowball, that is kind of odd...
If I don't eat my din-dins, momma puts it in the fridge and gives it to pee-wee for breakfast (he'll eat anything). Maybe it just doesn't taste good.


Peanut said...

Mom says I would starve to death because no way is she feeding me

Rambo said...

My Mom is a vet tech and she said when dogs push their food with their nose that they are wanting to bury it. Snowball, do you want to bury your food? Is it not your favorite?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Snowball!
Do you do that every time your breakie is served??
It takes me 30 seconds to eat mine! And I don't let any loofah to get in my path!
Kisses and hugs

Lacy said...

w00f's Snowball, heehee me can b picky too, as long as sum can food iz in my bowl too me will eat...and me always hides me trweats in the couch..

b safe,

River said...

Snowball, we do that with rawhide chews. First, we'll bury it in the couch then spend some time pushing invisible 'dirt' (at least that's what my mom thinks we're doing) to cover the chewie. Of course, another beagle comes along and steals it. As for kibble in a bowl, that would have a life of 1 nanosecond around us.

love & wags,

Abby said...

Hi, Snowball...

I bury my treats in the couch & chair like that...

I usually don't let any one or anything near my food...Especially Rosco...

I LOVE all food, except Dog Food of course...My Mom makes me boiled chicken & rice all the time...I LOVE it...

Abby xxxooo

Joe Stains said...

I sure don't do that with my food! If I did that the DOofus would come and eat ALL of it before I could even blink!

the many Bs said...

hi Snowball, we have never seen anydog do that with their food. we always eat ours the normal way. that's funny. are you trying to push it and make it go away?


Ronak said...

I think that you eat with style, elegance, and class, Princess Snowball! You are VERY cute.

Deefor said...

I used to take my time-- when I was the only doggie in the house. Now Arrow and me race to finish and then lick each other's bowl. But there's some food I don't like.


Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Snowball

Just dropped in to say hi! Will come back again soon ....



PeeEss: I eat my food really quickly. My Bi-Peds say I eat too quickly .... but I LOVE my food !

Asta said...

Snowball..It looks to me that you want youw loofa doggie to eat youw bweakfast fow you..don't you have an appetite??
I hope you'we OK..I always eat unless I'm sick..leez eat so you can be stwong
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

You look a bit finicky Snowball. We tend to woof our food down right away. We don't want those pesky cats of ours to go nosing around our bowls.
Abby & Rosie

ChloƩ said...

Hello Snowball, some time ago that was not passing for your blog ... do not think that I have forgotten you... These very pretty in the video, and the snack seems to be delicious ... ummm, i´m hungry...


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh yes we got some yummy treats. She made some for us and we got to bring them home. They are so good. You need to go try them out. All natural. She bakes them herself..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Deetz said...

Snowball, that is hillarious and made me giggle alot.